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How to Unlock a Door Without a Key

When it comes to unlocking a door, it's impossible to predict when you'll need it. If you find yourself unable to go into a room wondering how to unlock a door without a key or your home because of a locked door, you must know how to break the lock. It's also not unusual to see water damage coming in through your front door when you get home. Read these tips on how to unlock a house door without a key in case you ever find yourself in this situation.

Credit Cards

how to unlock a door without a key


This is one of the oldest and best ways if you are wondering how to unlock a door without a key. Ignoring your card's safety, you can accomplish your goal. You must, however, employ the proper procedure to open the door. With spring locks only—not deadbolts—you may use this method. Take a card you're willing to risk, ideally a flexible laminated card, just in case. 

Bend it back to drive the lock into the door after squeezing it between the safety and the door frame. Force it between the door and stand above the lock if there is no place for it. Aim the card slightly toward the edge while swiping fast down to the bottom. You may need a thicker card to unlock a door without a key.


how to unlock a door without a key


A screwdriver is another fantastic item to have on hand if you don't know how to open a locked door without a key. A tiny or thin screwdriver with privacy handles on internal doors would be preferable. The screwdriver should be pushed straight into the doorknob's hole as far as possible. Afterwards, twist or spin the screwdriver to open the lock. 

The spring lock can be opened using a slotted screwdriver if the bolt and the frame are wedged together. You'll need to move the screwdriver around until you can reinstall the lock in its original location. Screwdrivers may also be used to remove the door's hinges, provided you understand how they function.

Assembled Lockpicks

how to unlock a door without a key


Alternatively, you may use a lockpicking kit to break into the lock independently if you are confused about how to unlock bedroom door without a key. To successfully pick a lock, you'll need a set of lockpicking tools. In addition, you must be able to pick the lock, or your efforts will go in vain.

Bobby Pins or Hair Clip

how to unlock a door without a key


How to unlock a doorknob without a key?  While a lockpicking kit can be used to open a closed door, it will take a lot more effort and patience to do so. To carry out this task, you'll need two bobby pins bent in a precise way. Bend the pin at the fulcrum to perpendicular to the two free ends, and it will act as a key. The bottom of the keyhole should have this piece affixed to the bottom. Make a pick out of one end by turning it slightly. Locking pins must be removed one by one, allowing the locking cylinder to rotate.

Preparation for Lock Drilling

how to unlock a door without a key


Drilling a lock is a destructive entry technique, which means that if you use this approach to open a door without a key, your safety will be broken and rendered unusable. New locks must be purchased and fitted by an expert if this is the case.

When all other methods have failed, we recommend utilising this procedure. Don't hurry to drill a lock because you want to open a door without a key.

Consider the fact that piercing a lock is not a simple task, particularly if you're not sure how to unlock a locked door without a key. A few minutes should be enough time, but if you don't position the drill correctly at the top of the keyway, the operation may take a long time.

To use this way of unlock a door without a key, you'll need the same set of tools you'll need for the others. With an electric or battery-operated drill, you'll also need a screwdriver and the proper lubrication for the lock.

This method aims to defeat the locking mechanism's core using sheer force. Afterwards, you'll be able to turn the plug and open a door without a key.

As a Final Note

Habitual behaviour may lead to complacency in individuals. Complacency may lead to a loss of focus and a sluggish attitude to many elements of our daily routines. As a result, some people leave their house keys behind when they go, while others lock themselves out of their automobiles by accident. So knowing how to open a door without a key is the best thing for you.