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Take Your Minecraft Game To A Different Level With These Rooftop Designs

· Minecraft roofdesign,Best Minecraft roofs,Minecraft roof ideas,Minecraft,Minecraft roofs
Minecraft roof designs

Minecraft is a soothing game for those who love to create building structures. The option of constructing different types of buildings would always amaze you. This gaming platform is definitely addictive and the good thing is that you get to create a lot of different structures. This game has different levels that you can unlock only if your innovation would be high. You have to keep on searching for different ideas to design the Minecraft home. Apart from everything, designing the roof can be a bit difficult in this case. There are a lot of Minecraft roof designs but your need to get the best out of all. Here are some of the best Minecraft roof designs that you need to check out:

Parapet Roof:

best Minecraft roof designs

This is a flat roof that you can have on your Minecraft house. This comes under the best Minecraft roof designs ideas. The best thing about this roof is that you would get some space on top of it. Only this kind of roof would create space for you to have a terrace on top of your house. You can use them in so many different ways. Even if you have floors in your Minecraft building then also you can have such rooftops.

Gull-wing rooftop:

Minecraft roof designs ideas

This is a unique rooftop design that would go with your Minecraft house designs. If you are looking for slanting Minecraft roof designs then this rooftop would be perfect for you. The incline of this rooftop is low which makes it a bit different from other rooftops. The stair blocks of this rooftop make it looks the best and this would even catch eyes. This kind of rooftop is usually made up of multiple stones or brick slabs.

An Authentic Terrace Rooftop:

Minecraft roof designs

This is meant to be created on a flat rooftop but there would be a lot more to it. A terrace is not space where you would live or sleep, rather you would come to your terrace to be close to nature. You can have some shade over your terrace so that it could save you from rain and powerful sun rays. The addition of plants would give a nice decoration to the terrace rooftop of your Minecraft house. This is indeed one of the best Minecraft roof designs.

Shed Roof:

best Minecraft roof designs

This is again a good rooftop option that you can get for your Minecraft house. Here you would use stone blocks to create this rooftop and it would look like a staircase which is quite cool. This would give your Minecraft house a very standard look. This is quite unique as well so this rooftop can help you upgrade your Minecraft game. The best part is that you don’t have to do a lot to create this rooftop on top of your Minecraft building.

Bell-Cast Rooftop:

Minecraft roof designs

This is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful Minecraft roof designs that you can have for your Minecraft house. The top of the roof to the base of the roof creates a good transition that you would love. This makes the home look quite traditional and the bell shape of the roof adds beauty to the construction.